Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Abortion Cons

Opening Statement: Abortion Cons
Abortion should not be legal, for reasons that it is unsafe to the human body and causes many controversies in the church and state. Cancer is a very high rate among women who terminated their pregnancies through abortions, occurring as much as 25%.(procon.org) This is a very risky, showing that abortions should not be used for public use. As an alternative to unwanted pregnancies, the Centers for disease controls says that women should use contraceptives instead of abortions to prevent women from getting pregnant, so that that they are never impacted from the high rate of cancer. Abortions also cause damage to the women brains, as “2002 peer-reviewed study published by the Southern Medical Journal of more than 173,000 American women found that women who aborted were 154% more likely to commit suicide than women who carried to term. [And] an Apr. 1998 Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology study on men whose partners had abortions found that 51.6% of the men reported regret, 45.2% felt sadness, and 25.8% experienced depression.” (procon.org) With the many medical concern of cancer, there is also many controversies f it within the church and state. “The Declaration of Independence states that "[A]ll men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Allowing abortion directly contradicts the Founding Fathers' intentions for an inalienable right to life in this country.” (procon.org) and the bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." (Exodus 20:13) With these over-substantial evidence to the cause of anti-abortion, it is clear that it should not be legal.

1 comment:

  1. Watch out for this cancer claim. That's debunked by at least one study I saw linked to from procon.org.

    Procon.org is not a source! It's a place where sources go and hang out. What study, what evidence, according to who specifically? Those things are sources. Be ready to whip 'em out!
