Sunday, August 29, 2010

It is my mythical response :o

I found this quote on Kathy's Blog:

I think people bully for two major reasons, insecurity and being a victim of bullying by someone close to them. They feel like they have to take down a person who feels great or has a good time because “misery loves company”. They have to make themselves seem superior over others so that they can make others feel like they have to be nice and look up to them, wanting to put others don’t for their own self satisfaction.

Kathy's quote, being insightful and showing great hindsight, also relates to two of the propositions on the ASTI Student Constitution. Numbers three and five, accept others for who they are and assume positive intent, are the opposite of the examples Kathy states in her post. The idea of that people bully others based on their insecurities creates insecurities in other people. Stopping this would require to go to the source, the bully's insecurities. By accepting others for who they are, they do not have to feel insecure about their looks or their body, their personality, or their backgrounds. To totally eliminate Kathy's examples of bullying, everybody could also "assume positive intent", as stated in the constitution. Assuming positive intent creates a nourishing atmosphere, instead of one where students are afraid of their peers. A place where a student is faced with positivity instead of ridicule is very healthy and progressive for the students academic discovery, a place that ASTI strives to place for students.

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