Friday, February 25, 2011

The first edning if her mothers story on a hopeful note about teh creation of the joy luck club. This would inspire  a positive attitude into her child. the mother summarizes the creation that the four women came together through their lack of hope for the future. The neet and enjoy the present and forget about teh past, despite redicule they recieve other men and women of their community. The second story ends defferently, having a note of despraity, Fleeing from the japanese army, she takes her most importantn possesions and heads to a nearby city to avoid the army. Along the way, she grows very tired, so tired so that she starts shedding her belongings. Eventually, she has to drop everyhting, and only manages to carry her two children. In more despairty, she evetnaully has too leave them too. She becomes so tired that she recieves bodily harm.
I thin that she changes the story that she tells to her daughter because she doesn't want her to know about her past. This way her daughter has a hopeful idea about her future and her families past. She could also change due to the fact that her experience was very painful.

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