Friday, February 25, 2011

The first edning if her mothers story on a hopeful note about teh creation of the joy luck club. This would inspire  a positive attitude into her child. the mother summarizes the creation that the four women came together through their lack of hope for the future. The neet and enjoy the present and forget about teh past, despite redicule they recieve other men and women of their community. The second story ends defferently, having a note of despraity, Fleeing from the japanese army, she takes her most importantn possesions and heads to a nearby city to avoid the army. Along the way, she grows very tired, so tired so that she starts shedding her belongings. Eventually, she has to drop everyhting, and only manages to carry her two children. In more despairty, she evetnaully has too leave them too. She becomes so tired that she recieves bodily harm.
I thin that she changes the story that she tells to her daughter because she doesn't want her to know about her past. This way her daughter has a hopeful idea about her future and her families past. She could also change due to the fact that her experience was very painful.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Chinese Mothers are superior

Chau's main point is this, : Western parents try to respect their children's individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions, supporting their choices, and providing positive reinforcement and a nurturing environment. By contrast, the Chinese believe that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away."

even though Chau'sway of parenting seem to be effective and in the end her child was able to play the song correctly, I do not believe in her idea of progress. What she is doing is conforming her kids to her world view than progressing them. This type of parenting I am extremely against. I think that children should be able to explore their own exploits. With this sense of adventure, your own children are able to create their own world view in their world.  Chau aims to create successful children, rather than happy children. While I may be biased and westernized, I hold these truths to myself still. However, I agree with ehr censorship of the media and entertainment, as they are a nuisance rather than anything else. I do not think that they are helpful to anybodies learning or advancement.
However, I do not agree with her radical attempts to have her children get the material she wants down. She maintains a very rational and compartmentalizing point of view than can hampen the children world view. Mainting a happy perspective on behalf of the child is what think the most important part, but teaching them to be successful is also very important.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


 Orwellian writing often displays dystopian societies or governments than fall into on themselves. He displays mechanics of governance and the natural progression of the ever-revolving way we govern ourselves.
In the recent history of Egypt, their government has been toppled by the sheer will or protesters. Although this has progressed to angry revolt and violence, it still is a shining example of how democracy prevails.
Many parallels have been seen between the events in Egypt and the events of one of Orwell's books, “Animal Farm”. A story about the rise and fall of government, the plot alone is similar to Egypt's history. Symbols such as goonies or grunts carrying out the oppressive government agenda is seen in egypt and Animal Farm. Napoleon's dogs would represent Sulieman and his agents trying to stem the fervor than has seeped into Egypt.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Animal Farm Chapter 11

 Dark days have risen on the newly named Manor Farm. It's rich history of animal revolution and it's pioneering privileges to animals have been painted over as the pigs has risen up to mirror humans themselves. They have vaguely metamorphosed into tall, two legged beings, controlling the farm no longer with words and their dogs, but by whips and guns.
The elder animals have taken most of the abuse from the hard work. There tired bodies worn from age cannot handle the additional stress of the dystopian society formed.
The Old mare, Clover looks steadily off into the sunset every day hoping for change to come to The Manor Farm. Forlorn, lost and at the end of every animals rope, her feelings begin to speak for everybody.

Night fallen, the days work done, Clover walks around, enjoying the only silence see can experience. Her burns from the whip only just cooled from their contact.
Ruffling from a bush reveals a long lost idol: Snowball.
“ Snowball!” She says in feared amazement. “You, are not supposed to be here! Ever since you left with dogs at your heels, you've been demonized with false crimes.”
Panting and covered in sweat, Snowball said, “ I know Clover. It has been such a long time, all my comrades are so old or dead. But it could have only been now. When the oppressed become the oppressors is the time for revolution.”
“Revolution?” The old mare neighed, “There can't possibly be any talk about that. Napoleon will have us slaughtered with his dogs, and then our remains as slough!”
It is the only way future generations will live out our dream of the three day week! Where animals old and young can enjoy peace and happiness. That's Why I have come to you. You must spread dissent among the masses of animals. Spread Vandalism, destroy everything! Even the ten amendments along the barn wall, which was once so clear and pure, but now have been corrupt.”
With the end of this speech, the bushes have rustled even more. With the blood draining from his face, Snowball fled into the brush from where he came.

From then on, Such “random incidents of hate against the majestic Manor Farm” occurred. The fields soiled with salt, the wheat and barley slashed and burned. The hens eggs were pilfered and later seen cracked open in the watering hole where urine was also found. It wasn't until the a effort to stop the incidents when the Ten Amendments of the Animal Farm were found washed off and erased.
Patrols around the farm were scheduled day and night. Sure enough, the dissent snowball wanted had worked. Animals were afraid of what was to come. Rations were dropped in hope in lowering the occurrences of the incidents. The swift and clever governing Napoleon had constructed had trouble keeping its iron grip over the lower animals.
It wasn't until a dark night when Moses, the old raven, had awoken Clover in her sleep. Stating that he is an agent for Snowball in resurrection of the Manor Farm, he passed on the next thing Snowball wanted Clover to do.
“As further means to destroy the infrastructure of the Manor Farm, We should take hit their valuable asset. I want you to destroy the dynamo in the west windmill, hampering their economic output”
With her mission set, Clover knew what to do. Reaching the windmill, she was old and tired, but she thought she could finish this last mission, but had decided this would be her last.
Ramming the dynamo, one of Napoleon's dog came in.
Growling and in a offensive stance, Clover had surrendered her position.
The whole farm was brought to attention that Clover had been the one committing the crime. AS an open statement to her crimes and her affiliation with snowball, Napoleon appeared out of the house. With his pack of a faithful and strong dogs at his steed, he declared the execution of Clover.
As the dogs killed her, Moses the raven shrieked a fearful cry.
Her came down onto Napoleon, with a knife enclosed in his beak. With the dogs ravaging Clover corpse no one was able to defend Napoleon against the attack. As the knife pierced his heart, this whole oppression over the Manor Farm seem to evaporate onto itself.