Friday, January 21, 2011

political power

 An trend has occurred in governments that when someone obtains power, they become completely corrupt. From the Romans, where Nero became a horribly corrupt ruler, to the United States and the scathing Water Gate scandal. It is human nature to use what we have as advantages over other people to gain for ourselves. Fighting for their seat in office, or simply having the throne passed down to the, people will use their power over others to gain for themselves. Leaders will be motivated to do what they want, whether it be money, indulgence, desire, because they have a whole nation for them to seize if from. However, as everything is in nature, nothing is identical.
There are the few, glorious leaders within out time who have cast aside their greed and desire, and have taken a step back. Knowing that they have a whole nation depending on them to improve life, they have actually done their job. Role models for all leadership, those who have a publicly clean slate in office, are the ones who have not been tainted by corruption. Shining examples from America have been Abraham Lincoln, JFK, and now, Barack Obama. They are the posters fr justice in government. Having not embellished funds, or sex scandals dirtying their reputation, they are free from corruption. There is something that makes them different however.
They have known the means to achieve their end. With a plan of justice, improvement, and a hint of cunning, they can and will improve the country, being seen as an actual leader. Unlike common leaders, who take from public funds, or tyrants whose whole country is built on sating their thrist, they have n9ot come into leadership without a plan. With knowing the means to their end, they can justify and execute their means. Each example has come into office with a goal, and each has more or less completed their goals
The answer to the question “does political power corrupt the people who attain it?” is a mix quandary. In a such a broad field, it is impossible to find a single certain trend that every instance follows.

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