Friday, January 28, 2011

Essay (my computer was down)

 In George Orwell's essay, “Politics and the English Language, he discusses how the English language's lax in formality is the cause of our general lack of intelligence. Stating that our civilization has become lazy and leading toward collapse, our language must accompany it. To reverse the collapse, we must think more clearly. We are unable to think more clearly however, due to the habits of thinking we have learned because of speaking the English language. Reversing the collapse by yourself I useless however, as it is impossible to change or affect a whole language by being just one person. It takes a large group of people to make a change and time, as language is natural mechanic of our existence. Our capabilities of speech have evolved over time and have become part of our anatomy as any other structural advantage. Therefore, language is not something we can shape and change depending on our wants. It changes depending on our needs, whether needing to be complicated, or in Orwell's case, uncomplicated.
Orwell tells us that not only does the decline of our language affects us mentally, but it will also have political and economical affects. Language is a mean to critical thinking and our world has thrived on critical thinkers since the industrial age. Inventors creating complicated machines and methods to mass produce items to have our civilizations ascend to a global scale. Without language, we would be no more than animals. Consequently, if our language suffers, so will our economy because we will not be able to create such dynamic tools as before. It will suffer because the complexity of our factories, our inventors will have decreased. The average intelligence will have gone down. Politically, we will not be able to move forward to democratic times, resulting in totalitarian rule because democarcy requires that the masses are informed and are educated. The decline of language shows the decline of intelligence.
I agree with Orwell's position on the decline of our language. People have become lazy with their tongues and means of lifestyle due to the decadent parts of our lifestyles. If we have no point to move forward, we can't stay put. We will only move back. If language suffers, so does our ability to communicate. This leads to the decline of langauge because of our bad habits. To elaborate on our bad habits, Orwell states that the English language, “becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thought are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts” (par.2) From my experience this is very true. We become very lazy because of the advance in our technology. Every year, people have a easier life than the year before. Because of this, it affects our language. This becomes a snowball affect; our langauge becomes affect, affecting our lifestyles, which affects our langauge, and so on. Therefore, we are unable to repair our language without political regeneration with out society.

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