Friday, December 17, 2010

book post 3: freedom

After having our third and final discussion of our third part of the book 1984 by George Orwell, we discussed the last themes we saw in the part and the overall themes of the whole book. In our discussion, we all asked questions about that revolved around how the party changes peoples mind. We also discussed further options into how Winston is naturally rebellious and how he became to fight against the party and big brother.
Amon the themes in the book, we talked about how the party has total power of the people. They have total surviellance of everybody at all times though the use of tele-screens that can watch people as well as display their propaganda to further subdue the people. The party also has total control over society, dictating their culture their activities, even public transportation. Holding an iron-fist over the people, they have little threat over being overthrown. However, they go the extra length and persecute people of their thoughts. Thoughts that have themes of freedom:integrity, democracy and equality, that could potentially grow a resistance to the government. As all threats that could overthrow them have to come from the inside, and the inside is the people, then they only way they would be overthrown would be by their people.
Winston sees the only way as it could be overthrown from the beginning is the Proletarian people of Oceania. Which are the lower-class, unformed masses. Having been not formed by the party to follow the principles of INGSOC, they still have the ideas from freedom. They already have integrity and equality, and are able to have individuality. The idea of individuality is very important to Winston If you compare his descriptions of the proletarian people to the people of the party and the inner party, they description of the proletarian people are much more vivid. He is able to look into the past and contemplate how people go the way their were. These ideas all come from the book of goldtein which despite the efforts of the party has never been eradicated. These ideas are what can throw the party over.

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