Sunday, December 12, 2010

Book Post #2: Winston's Love

 After reading and discussing the second part of the book 1984, by George Orwell, our group has talked more about Winston rebellious nature against the party. In the second part, he explores more options of resisting the government. He has become more carefree, exploring areas of the proletarian sections of London and even inquiring in their bars and shops. He does this to find enjoyment in the experience and to learn more from the past and history. These two things is what the governments aims to prevent. They try to eliminate history and stop the people from enjoying anything, as enjoyment lsets off a chain of events that leads to free thinking. Orwell explains that enjoying anything leads to you feeling good, which leads you to be able to do more things the same way as a efficient machine gets more done than a broken one. Free thinking will inevitably bring down the government, as then the natural order of things will play out, and the party will fall.
However, a large development in Winston's life occurs at the beginning of the second part The dark haired girl he used to despise greatly became an ally to him instead. Being even more of an ally, the dark haired girl, whose name is revealed as Julia, actually loves him. After arranging meeting through elaborate means of communication, they are allowed to flourish together.
Being brought together by their resistance of the party, they enjoy each other in sexual acts to please themselves and as well as showing an act of rebellion to the government. But their love for each other is uncalled for, as they go from strangers to soul mates in a matter of days of being together. This raised a question in our group discussion of why Winston loves Julia and how their relationship grew so quickly. We came to a decision that Winston's want to destroy the party their the inevitable act that they had been trying to prevent from happening, sexual interaction and pleasure, and Julia was one of the only ways for him to do that.

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