Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Comments on other family history

Between me and other people who have written ahout their famiy history and posted it, i have seen many similarities. As the generation after the generation who immigrated to america during the 60s and 70s, there were many sotiries about my classmats parents immigrating to America, starting a new life. Most have been the same, after  a treagedy or a global event, they fled there original country to come to america for a new life. Mine is the same as theirs, after the world war, my parents, when they met, went to America to strart a new life.
Like others who posted about immigrating families, my bluhd vy troung wrote about immigrating families here:
" In
April 1899, my parents and the others sneaked their way onto the boats.
Unfortunately, my uncles and their family did not make it onto the boat
because the police have captured but my parents were able to get away.
On the small boat, that only fitted forty people, it would take them 7
days to get from Vietnam to the Philippines. My dad on the boat worked
on the machines and help with what he could on the boat. Since, he had
no money to pay the owner of the boat, my dad had to work for him
during the time. They would have to live 7 days without any food or
water, at one point my parents did not know how they were going to

they arrived to Palawan Philippines, they entered a refugee camp where
they would be living for the next couple of years, they were able to
leave the camp to get some food or anything they please. Both my
parents did not have any money and they were starving when they saw a
store and the people were eating food and drinking they could not stand
but had to get something. My mom decided to exchanged her wedding ring
for  Coca-Cola and that started their life in the Philippines."
Like vy, my parents immigrated to america. They had to leave their own contry and they left to america. However, i am very proud of tghis acvomplishment and they are good people.